• We believe we are created to worship God in song, dance and movement, and through drama. 
  • We use the gifts people bring, and we cultivate an atmosphere where the worship gifts can grow. 
  • Our worship philosophy is to "speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord".  
  • We involve drama in our services at times to enhance a message, and we have special nights of expression of our faith through drama. During seasonal times, we combine drama and music ministries

Passionate Praise

Our worship is a passionate expression of love toward God, by both exhorting one another about what God has done, and singing our hearts out to Him. Equally, our drama ministry glorifies God in expressions of faith that are unique, and praise-worthy through acting out scripts that reflect our love of God and passion to spread the gospel. 

        These are the keys to worship that invites God to move in a way only He can. Everyone is welcome! Whether exuberant, or contemplative in worship, freedom is cultivated here. 


Our worship team is led by our Worship Pastor Matteo.  All members are singers, musicians and actors who believe that bringing excellence to their expression of faith, combined with the anointing of the Holy Spirit yields a vibrant arena for God to do mighty and unusual things in our midst. Simply, we love the Lord, and want to spread His love in every creative way possible and watch Him transform lives!

Contact our worship ministry at nsbridgeworship@gmail.com